Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Waiting Game

 Today, I finally had a full day that felt closer to our normal routine. I sent a few emails and made a few more calls, but I finally had time to complete other things. We did laundry and played games; my son had a good day. He wasn't worried about being afraid nor being bullied by adults. He had a few great laughs and a tickle party. He makes me happy, all my children do.  Then, I began to think of the other stories I have heard from other parents. Their children have been through similar situations and nothing was done to help the children or parents. I wish I could give them the comfort they deserve and the fearlessness to press on into the unknown. Not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow is difficult, especially having a child with autism. Some children can not explain themselves and can be manipulated while others can defend themselves, but to those parents with children that have autism; Please Don't Give Up! You're doing just fine. Remember your child is just a child that needs love, compassion, security, and patience. You are your child's safe place and you alone is enough; enough to make all bad things go away, enough to make a frown turn into a smile. Enough to protect them, so protect your child and be fearless. You can be a tender loving parent as well as a warrior for you child. I am both! I will never stop fighting for my children. So please parents never be afraid to push forward and be a warrior for your child(ren). As for my son and I, we will wait. Wait for his next meeting and wait for the outcome. I have all the faith that all parties involved will be held accountable and justice will be served, not just for Julius, but for all the other children and parents that has had to deal with certain actions that were unfair in many ways. If not, I will continue to press on until justice is served.

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