Thursday, June 30, 2016


 The more I dig the more secrets are revealed. I feel like I'm uncovering something huge! So get ready cause here I come. The more parents I talk to the more things come to light. However, my findings are disturbing. It makes me wonder how these Chicks can sleep at night. I call them "chicks" because they do not deserve to be called women. A woman is a lady, girl, or female. They are neither. A woman can handle her business with self-respect, dignity and be fair; even if she has to put her friends/ coworkers in their place. She carries herself with poise and is graceful. I am a woman! I'm a mother, a wife, a friend and an advocate ( a damn good one, too). I found out that not only does this so called "principal" has hidden or never filed reports but I also found out that she covers for her "friends" if you're not part of her minion crew, you are not protected and they can make your life a living hell! But like I always say what goes up must come down. This time you have over stepped and your minions chose the wrong child, the wrong children! I feel a sense of connection to these children and if you ever took the time out to know the parents of the children you have in your school, you would know how passionate I am when it comes to children.

 I have spoken to parents that have had their child's food taken away as punishment and have been treated poorly because their parent(s) made complaints. Faculty that have lied to parents about things that have taken place on trips and faculty that have teamed up on other faculty because they were not on the principals band wagon. Oh the stories I have uncovered... its time for parents and faculty to stand up and report this ill-mannered treatment and take a stand for yourself and your children. Never be afraid of the dark... What's dark always comes to light and if not I don't mind dragging the dark into the light. I'm not afraid of the dark, never was and never will be.

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