Monday, July 18, 2016

Just a lil' encouragement

Yesterday was a very important day for my family. I want to tell you all about it but first... I have to stress how important its is for children to see the goodness at home and in others like school, daycare,summer camp, church etc. Children absorb, reflect and have never been good at doing as they were told but have always been good at doing what they've seen. A not so perfect example was the dreadful situation that my son has not forgotten but had to face, he talks about it still, (especially when he thinks he's on his way to PS.25). After witnessing the bullying of his teacher and hearing all those terrible words used by the district representative, Julius became aggressive, angry and afraid. His mental health was at risk and that was my reason for pulling him out of that terrible environment. My children's mental health is too important to allow individuals to corrupt them. You see, when my children become adults the world would have to deal with them and I much rather the world dealing with kindhearted and compassionate people. It has been a challenging couple weeks for Julius and I. I have spent a lot of time having to correct what he was exposed to at school and teaching him why that behavior is unacceptable. He has had to learn these life lessons before time but he has definitely learned a few new habits that will last his lifetime.

 Now for yesterdays importance, while at church Julius did his usual, he moved from seat to floor , removing his shoes and putting them back on. He walked around in the back and sat down with me. I had to quite him down a few times, too. All that time I felt like he wasn't paying attention and he wasn't listening to the Pastors message. Oh boy, I was so wrong! The message was about seeking Christ, going to him with all your needs and the power the name of JESUS has. It was about taking time out of our "busy lives" to build a relationship with Christ.  My pastor even made a valid point, he suggested that we erase some things from our schedules and make the time to spend with God. He also said that we read our bibles for ten minutes a day, so we can make a habit out of reading the word. Once the Pastor was done with his message my home fellowship leader made an alter call, he said "If anyone wants to repent, turn away from your sins and receive Jesus Christ in your hearts, raise your hand and I would see you after service." Julius was all over the place swarming around and he raised his hand. I said to him "stay still and why you raised your hand?" He turned to me and said " Mommy everyone in here has Jesus in their hearts and I don't but I want Jesus in my heart too" I was so surprised that all this time he was in fact paying attention and all our nightly prayers were not in vain. Julius actually understood all that I have been teaching him about God. He received Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior. He is gonna be a mighty man of God( both of my sons are) and my daughter will be a virtuous woman in Christ.

Moral of the story: Our children are definitely paying attention but are we? Children don't learn like us adults, they can multitask very well and when we least expect it, they will surprise you. The surprise will be total up to us, because we are the ones responsible for our behavior and the behavior we put out into the world. We have to teach our children and the children around us to have morals and respect for others. Love is what will heal this world. If you don't know how to show others respect, then you should ask the people that show the most respect to others, they'll give you the right advice and may even teach you how it is done. Lastly, give God his time. It is important to make quality time for God and family.

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about every thing. Tell God what you need  and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience Gods peace, which exceeds anything we can understand, His peace will guard your heart and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7) ~The Bible~

Above all Love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins (1Peter 4:8) ~The Bible~

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