Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Verbal abuse

  Today was an interesting day. I woke up to some great news and I took care of some business. I got a visit from ACS and all went well, as I knew it would. My family went out for dinner, so that meant I got the day off from the kitchen. When we got home everyone got to relax and I got to thinking. I began to think about verbal abuse. I wanted to understand why the perpetrator (the counselor) felt it was okay to verbally abuse my child or anyones child. Verbal abuse create emotional pain and mental anguish. Most people in these situations or relationships try to explain themselves because they feel the perpetrator is rational and they can make the situation better. However, a child can not understand that they are being verbally abused they only understand that the other person hurt their feelings and said something mean, bad, rude or not nice. In my sons case he knew that what was being told to him wasn't nice and it made him feel bad. He sad he was sad and the counselor was being a BULLY. 

  This situation has dragged on for almost a month and I have made several attempts to have the final meeting so my child can be heard, but it seem like even the superintendent has pushed this aside. But I like I've states before I will not back down. I know I have a purpose and I have every intention to fulfill it to the best of my abilities. On July 10th it will make a month since I made the first complaint and followed that complaint with many others. While we wait for my son to get interviewed snd questioned (only the Bd. of Education would see it fit to do so).Who would want to continue to bring up such a traumatic situation in a sons life, for the sake of investigating three or more corrupt individuals. I wouldn't but its "protocol". Unfortunately for them my son remembers everything that affects him emotionally and like I said before what's dark always comes out in the light. 

  If I were them I would want to live under a rock because prolonging this, its only making me dig deeper (what else can they be hiding) I'm sure they've very busy doing terrible things and her minions are more then three so I will make it my mission to seek out every individual that has taken part in this ABUSE TOWARD HELPLESS CHILDREN WITH AUTISM.  I know of a few of you but I am giving myself the time to uncover all the details and get all my facts in order. The Bd.of Ed. is going to have a lot of work to do in PS.25 and I'll be watching because this may have began with my son but I know too many other children that have been affected by these heartless people.


"Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. Worse! You can heal broken bones; you can't heal a broken mind." ~Dia Reeves~

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