Saturday, July 9, 2016


Good evening,

Today was such a relaxing day. Thank God... Lord knows I needed to take a day to nothing. While my husband worked, the kids and I did nothing but lounge around the house. I needed this day because of all the stress the incidents with my son have caused my son and I, its unbelievable and heartbreaking. I still can't understand how could there be so much evil in this world. I know that my Savior lives because my son will be okay. I'm not going to give up, no matter what people have to say. Only the darkness fears the light and I know only those involved would like me to be quiet but thats not gonna happen, despite what they (principal & her minions) come up with. I will stand firm because my son matters. This world has so much evil and those that carry the light have been meek and humble for too long. Its time that people gather together for the same cause and stop fearing these chicks. Divided we fall but united we stand. This goes for every situation life throws your way. Wake up people life is too short to be afraid of miserable, fake and heartless people. These chicks have gotten so far because they are united but they won't stay united for long. An insecure chick seeks constant reassurance that she is beautiful, valued and loved. They are looking for validation, that they are acceptable as they are weak. The truth hurts... doesn't it?

"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided"  ~J.K. Rowling~


  1. Thank you Allen Jasson. Its ridiculous the things they have gotten away with.

  2. Thank you Allen Jasson. Its ridiculous the things they have gotten away with.
