Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Back To Business

Hello everyone, its been a while... I was enjoying my vacation with my kiddos but there is so much going on with my baby school situation. I received an anonymous tip by a former employee and the things that principal has under the rug can cause a few people  there job, lost pensions and possible jail time... Its no wonder she called ACS (Administration for Children's Services) on me for making complaints and reports. Its terrible when you have this many people that have so much dirt on you and you lost the control you once had. This means that I have to call my contacts so this can be investigated. I won't clarify what it is that I know but it is BIG! For a woman that claims to love the students she has clearly shown the opposite. Shaming other parents and falsely accusing loving parents of negligence. Shame on you and all your minions, you have taken advantage of those poor parents that needed guidance and support. Pushing countless reports under the rug. 

What A Shame You Became Such A Fragile Broken Thing.
 ~ Unknown~

Monday, July 25, 2016


Lets talk about honesty... What does it mean to you? Honesty to me is as important as life... Why? you may ask, because it can build a solid relationship and destroy it in seconds. Without relationships who do we become? People where made to have relationships, thats how God created us. Yet so many of them have fallen apart because one person or the other could not be honest. Honesty is the foundation on which we all wish to have built our relationships but are never willing to give it back completely. I know of a married woman who is secretly attracted to younger men. She often tries to seduce them and I know of a few men that love their wives and children but can't help themselves so they stare at the younger females as they pass by and engage them in small talk to see how far things can go. How about the men and woman that help themselves to the bars late night and into someone else bed until dawn... It makes you wonder, doesn't it. Which one are you? Maybe you can't answer that at the moment. Maybe you're none of those people. Are you honest with others? Have you never sinned? Don't be so fast to reply. It might be a lie! Maybe you don't lie to people but you steal from your job? Maybe you haven't been caught but last I check money laundering is a crime. Maybe you haven't been caught forging the books or making profit out of things that were meant to be free. Maybe you you shoplift, steal cars or do other more sinful acts towards others that are helpless like molestation or rape, and you haven't got caught, Yet! Its a small world we live in and with a computer and the proper intel you can find out anything!!! Sometimes the truth falls right on your lap. The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend. ~ Abraham Lincoln~

Honesty is the highest form of intimacy. ~unknown~

The truth doesn't cost you anything but a lie can cost you everything.

The truth is like a lion, let it loose and it will defend itself.
~St. Augustine~

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Gossip kills...

I've been a busy mama, but I would like to post a quick something for whomever it may apply to...

A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much.
Proverbs 20:19 NIV

keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.
Psalm 34:13 NIV

A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.
Proverbs 11:13 NIV

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29 NIV

Moral of the short but sweet lesson... Gossip kills, so mind your tongues... you should never worry about other peoples affairs when your skeletons are being brought to the light... #IllLetThatOneSitHere

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. ~Eleanor Roosevelt~

Monday, July 18, 2016

Just a lil' encouragement

Yesterday was a very important day for my family. I want to tell you all about it but first... I have to stress how important its is for children to see the goodness at home and in others like school, daycare,summer camp, church etc. Children absorb, reflect and have never been good at doing as they were told but have always been good at doing what they've seen. A not so perfect example was the dreadful situation that my son has not forgotten but had to face, he talks about it still, (especially when he thinks he's on his way to PS.25). After witnessing the bullying of his teacher and hearing all those terrible words used by the district representative, Julius became aggressive, angry and afraid. His mental health was at risk and that was my reason for pulling him out of that terrible environment. My children's mental health is too important to allow individuals to corrupt them. You see, when my children become adults the world would have to deal with them and I much rather the world dealing with kindhearted and compassionate people. It has been a challenging couple weeks for Julius and I. I have spent a lot of time having to correct what he was exposed to at school and teaching him why that behavior is unacceptable. He has had to learn these life lessons before time but he has definitely learned a few new habits that will last his lifetime.

 Now for yesterdays importance, while at church Julius did his usual, he moved from seat to floor , removing his shoes and putting them back on. He walked around in the back and sat down with me. I had to quite him down a few times, too. All that time I felt like he wasn't paying attention and he wasn't listening to the Pastors message. Oh boy, I was so wrong! The message was about seeking Christ, going to him with all your needs and the power the name of JESUS has. It was about taking time out of our "busy lives" to build a relationship with Christ.  My pastor even made a valid point, he suggested that we erase some things from our schedules and make the time to spend with God. He also said that we read our bibles for ten minutes a day, so we can make a habit out of reading the word. Once the Pastor was done with his message my home fellowship leader made an alter call, he said "If anyone wants to repent, turn away from your sins and receive Jesus Christ in your hearts, raise your hand and I would see you after service." Julius was all over the place swarming around and he raised his hand. I said to him "stay still and why you raised your hand?" He turned to me and said " Mommy everyone in here has Jesus in their hearts and I don't but I want Jesus in my heart too" I was so surprised that all this time he was in fact paying attention and all our nightly prayers were not in vain. Julius actually understood all that I have been teaching him about God. He received Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior. He is gonna be a mighty man of God( both of my sons are) and my daughter will be a virtuous woman in Christ.

Moral of the story: Our children are definitely paying attention but are we? Children don't learn like us adults, they can multitask very well and when we least expect it, they will surprise you. The surprise will be total up to us, because we are the ones responsible for our behavior and the behavior we put out into the world. We have to teach our children and the children around us to have morals and respect for others. Love is what will heal this world. If you don't know how to show others respect, then you should ask the people that show the most respect to others, they'll give you the right advice and may even teach you how it is done. Lastly, give God his time. It is important to make quality time for God and family.

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about every thing. Tell God what you need  and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience Gods peace, which exceeds anything we can understand, His peace will guard your heart and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7) ~The Bible~

Above all Love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins (1Peter 4:8) ~The Bible~

Friday, July 15, 2016

Something Different...

  I'm sure you've all heard the expression "Negative people bring negative energy." I believe that saying is absolutely true.  If you're a sour puss with the face of a toad, that explains your negativity, Lol. I'm just kidding! All jokes aside, its hard to live a life full of peace and happiness because life can be difficult. As a child you cant wait to be a teen, so you can't experience life with your peers. As a teen you want to be an adult, so you can move out and be on your own. Never realizing how hard life truly is. Some marry young and others marry multiple times because they can't seem to get it right. Others are just too meek and frail, so life takes hold of them and they end up with so many strongholds and feel like prisoners. While others are too busy existing and trying to make it day by day, struggling with their relationships, children and countless other issues. Some hide all of their pains and sorrows, so grow bitter, jealous and hateful. Very few are truly living and doing the things they love and have their affairs in order. 

  I like to think of myself as a person that once was just existing but God, "because of his great love for us (me), God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions- it is by grace that we have been saved." (Ephesians 2-4:5) So I ask you all to ask yourself and loved ones, Are you existing or are you just living?  Life is too short to waste on bitterness and hate. Some people have so much hate in their lives and thats all they know so they do everything in their power to change who they were born to be. God makes no mistakes and I'm sure you've heard the saying "He has a plan", yes that is true but I like to think about God a little differently. He knew me before I knew myself and he knows my heart so he's my own super hero.  No weapons formed against me shall prosper and The Bible says "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."(2 Corinthians 10-4).  We were made for more than an ordinary life; Its time for us to do more than just survive; We were made to Thrive.

"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead , you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved." ( Romans 10- 9:10) ~ The Bible~

Monday, July 11, 2016

Dealing With Stupidity

I had another beautiful day. Happy kids equals happy wife and you know what they say happy wife equals happy life. However I got a call from a nobody today. PS25 is the shittiest school ever! The Faculty especially the ones that work well with the idiot of a principal can't seem to hear. I told these people that my son was not safe in that school with those trolls M.L. (District Representative) and G.V. (Counselor), not to mention the other trolls (minions). Yet they have the nerve to call me and ask  me if my son was going to attend the summer program.
One thing I learned is that I shouldn't try to explain yourself to stupid people. I'm not the Jackass Whisperer.

Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you to their level and beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain~

Without Stupid People We Would Have No One To Laugh At... Take The Time And Thank A Stupid Person For Their Contribution. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ALL ARE).

It is extremely frustrating dealing with these type of people!!!  

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Good evening,

Today was such a relaxing day. Thank God... Lord knows I needed to take a day to nothing. While my husband worked, the kids and I did nothing but lounge around the house. I needed this day because of all the stress the incidents with my son have caused my son and I, its unbelievable and heartbreaking. I still can't understand how could there be so much evil in this world. I know that my Savior lives because my son will be okay. I'm not going to give up, no matter what people have to say. Only the darkness fears the light and I know only those involved would like me to be quiet but thats not gonna happen, despite what they (principal & her minions) come up with. I will stand firm because my son matters. This world has so much evil and those that carry the light have been meek and humble for too long. Its time that people gather together for the same cause and stop fearing these chicks. Divided we fall but united we stand. This goes for every situation life throws your way. Wake up people life is too short to be afraid of miserable, fake and heartless people. These chicks have gotten so far because they are united but they won't stay united for long. An insecure chick seeks constant reassurance that she is beautiful, valued and loved. They are looking for validation, that they are acceptable as they are weak. The truth hurts... doesn't it?

"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided"  ~J.K. Rowling~

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Family time is the best time. I got to spend the day with my boys and I must say having two boys with silmiar diagnoses is hard work but I'm built for it. A mothers work is never done. As a mother of three, I want to make sure everyday is a productive day for my children. To know my youngest son is in the #1 crappiest school in the Bronx with rodents, some miserable people & minions. It saddens my heart, that tells you how these chicks were raised & and how they raised their children; It's sad isn't it? I wonder who I'm keeping up at night, who were the 20 people reading my blog at midnight and the other 18 people reading my blog at 2 a.m. All this reading and no comments. hmm..  anyway till tomorrow... I have more investigating to do so I can ruffle more feathers!!! You know what they say Birds of a feather flock together. 

Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.

"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence."
~Charles Bukowski~

Kisses xoxo

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


  Today was a fun filled day with the family. Coney Island, NY Aquarium, and Juniors. Cheesecake, Yum! I took care of business, as always, and thats when it hit me! I have a huge problem... I NEVER HAD AN IEP MEETING for Julius. I had three IEP'S for my other son, William. Both of my boys have similar diagnosis, so with all this madness going on I've been extremely stressed out. I got home, sat down, and read the IEP's that where sent home in my sons book bag by the way. I never had a formal meeting for Julius IEP's, yet i have received two IEPs. I had a conversation with the O.R. (the  psychologist), which lasted for about 2 minutes. She asked if I wanted Julius to receive OT and of course I replied with a "Yes". She replied "Ok" and that was it. That was the end of that, but that does not qualify as an IEP meeting. These chicks have broken the law! Also, on the documents the psychologist is listed as the "District Representative", thats not her position, the IEP Personnel that I have been writing about is known as M.L. She is the one that is suppose to be on the district representatives line. However, she is nowhere to be found and magically the counselor is not on the paperwork. This is beyond ridiculous; the fact that I'm still waiting for the superintendent to get back to me, so we can set up this meeting for my son. This shows the lack of professionalism they all have. They are all completely unqualified and incompetent. The IEP's that I received in his backpack are all fabricated and incomplete. This is far from over and as I said in my last blog, I was going to reveal other people involved and Ms. Psychologist you are it; I have more fish to fry... I clearly needed some down time with my family to gather my thoughts and get things in order, but you all have lost your minds because I'm not done yet!

Have a good night ya'll...


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Verbal abuse

  Today was an interesting day. I woke up to some great news and I took care of some business. I got a visit from ACS and all went well, as I knew it would. My family went out for dinner, so that meant I got the day off from the kitchen. When we got home everyone got to relax and I got to thinking. I began to think about verbal abuse. I wanted to understand why the perpetrator (the counselor) felt it was okay to verbally abuse my child or anyones child. Verbal abuse create emotional pain and mental anguish. Most people in these situations or relationships try to explain themselves because they feel the perpetrator is rational and they can make the situation better. However, a child can not understand that they are being verbally abused they only understand that the other person hurt their feelings and said something mean, bad, rude or not nice. In my sons case he knew that what was being told to him wasn't nice and it made him feel bad. He sad he was sad and the counselor was being a BULLY. 

  This situation has dragged on for almost a month and I have made several attempts to have the final meeting so my child can be heard, but it seem like even the superintendent has pushed this aside. But I like I've states before I will not back down. I know I have a purpose and I have every intention to fulfill it to the best of my abilities. On July 10th it will make a month since I made the first complaint and followed that complaint with many others. While we wait for my son to get interviewed snd questioned (only the Bd. of Education would see it fit to do so).Who would want to continue to bring up such a traumatic situation in a sons life, for the sake of investigating three or more corrupt individuals. I wouldn't but its "protocol". Unfortunately for them my son remembers everything that affects him emotionally and like I said before what's dark always comes out in the light. 

  If I were them I would want to live under a rock because prolonging this, its only making me dig deeper (what else can they be hiding) I'm sure they've very busy doing terrible things and her minions are more then three so I will make it my mission to seek out every individual that has taken part in this ABUSE TOWARD HELPLESS CHILDREN WITH AUTISM.  I know of a few of you but I am giving myself the time to uncover all the details and get all my facts in order. The Bd.of Ed. is going to have a lot of work to do in PS.25 and I'll be watching because this may have began with my son but I know too many other children that have been affected by these heartless people.


"Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. Worse! You can heal broken bones; you can't heal a broken mind." ~Dia Reeves~

Monday, July 4, 2016

Back to business

  Happy Independence Day Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your day. Today, was an exciting day, Julius enjoys the water so much that he decided he was ready to learn how to swim. He hopes to become a strong swimmer so he can be a "frog man". We watched a  Navy SEAL training documentary and he was fascinated by the world of a Navy SEAL. So swimming lessons are a must for him. Sure he's five, and has his whole life ahead of him, but who said its too to early invest into his future? As parents we must support our children, after all we are our children's first teacher; until they begin their journey into school, whether it will be public or private, then it becomes the parents and teachers job to collaborate as one to encourage and teach our children. Being a young mother of three awesome children, I know that collaborating with faculty that do not whole-heartedly love their job can lead to a disaster or in this case a blog, several reports, emails and etc. Im sure you get the picture. it is a catastrophe waiting to happen. 

  When I got home today I was tired and in a sea of thoughts. I can't stress the corruption going on in that BRONX school. I remember I was in the main office and I expressed concerns about the busing because the Parent Coordinator(Bus Coordinator too) told me, my son would not be placed on the mini bus in October. I was then told "esa negra no sabe nada " by a Pupil Secretary. That means "that black female does not know anything". Now if you know the Parent Coordinator then you know she's dark-skin. I can not say that the staff in the school are racist but I will surely say that they are certainly prejudice. For an example, I am a pretty Latina, but my hair is course and my name is Shakima by my appearance you can't tell my nationality or race. I speak English very well as I do Spanish but I only speak Spanish when needed. Therefore, I have confused many people and have also heard a great deal of things like the one I described, however when things of that nature are overlooked by the principal that speaks volumes. What does that say about the "boss" clearly she has her favorites (minions) then she has those that she uses but will push off her ship without a problem. If I was on her band-wagon I would be concerned because at this point its every man for himself. So in my opinion, her friends (minions) should be careful. I'm sure with the things I have uncovered she will let her friends drown just so she can try to save herself. Although I don't think thats possible...

"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation , and only one bad one to lose it" ~ Benjamin Franklin

*In this case many bad deeds.  

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Her False Religion

  Some people have used the term "Im a christian" but have used their "christianity" to manipulate, using fear, shame and guilt to  control people for their own selfish gain to influence. But Christianity is about freedom, redemption, grace, and empowerment instead of domineering fear. 

  I have been told by many parents that our principal is a christian, however I know better. I know what a christian is. I know the light a true christian has, we carry it in our souls, its so bright that we can't hide it because others see it no matter how difficult our own situation is we shine bright like the sun. I know this because I am a christian. I love hard and I love everyone. Yes everyone and I fall short sometimes but I also fight as hard as I love. You see when I was a child I learned to be a fighter, I had no choice. I've been through things that no child should ever have to experience  but I lived and I learned in my twenties that I didn't have to carry that hurt around all my life. I would look for love in all the wrong places. I thank God because he found me and held me even when I thought I was alone, he was there. I know this because I should not be here today ( thats another story and one day I'll tell it). I'm telling you about me so you can understand where I'm coming from. I am resilient because God made me that way. I've have been bullied, pushed down, written off and broken but what you do with these things is what makes you who you are destined to be. So, Who are you? What in your life has changed you? Are you a light? 

  In  my life I know a few things to be true. I know that when someone is as bitter as these individuals; its for a reason. They are hurting and their cover is anger. Sadness makes some people feel weak, but anger gives them the feeling of power. So they become what was sown in their lives. However, it is up to them to take control and they have not. Bitterness and resentment rules their lives and that's why we have all become targets but that started a fire in me. I will not let this continue. "God says vengenace is mine." He also says that "The first will be last and the last will be first." In this case the first was the principal and her minions and the last were the children, parents and faculty but we are meant to be first.  So WE will.

When you choose a behavior, you choose the consequences.
~Linda Randall Wisdom~

Saturday, July 2, 2016


  I started this blog for a few reasons. One reason was I wanted to talk about the children that have had serious issues and their parents  are afraid to speak because repercussions. They move their children, quietly leave or they cry and scream but no one listens until they finally decide to impartial hearings and move their kids to Westchester or Brooklyn schools. These children have suffered and so have their parents. Can you imagine being one of these children?  Having your whole world change after being verbally abused and mistreated. To a child with autism change is one of, if not the most difficult challenge. They are confused and miss their friends and in my sons case he would miss his teacher ( he misses her dearly already). Parents I can't stress this enough we need to stand strong for our children they deserve compassionate people on their side and we need to be warriors for them. 

  Teachers and faculty I'm a parent and I'm sick of the treatment that you receive. How can you possibly work under those terrible conditions? I have heard some of your stories and I know that some of you reading this blog can certainly relate. Loving teachers are like a child's second parent. How can a teacher do his/her job while they are on a restoration of health sabbatical or a leave of absences?  for those parents that don't know this is a pay cut to the teachers salary and they are only granted to appointed teachers. Why is it that some teachers feel the need to retire instead of teach? I know some amazing teachers but they rather quit than be subjected to these horrible work conditions like being threatened for doing whats right? If the principal is corrupt and you go against her and her minions, that can cost you your livelihood. That doesn't seem fair, so why would you be bullied of the career path you chose?

Parents, Teachers and Faculty it is time to rise up and take a stand. Together we can move mountains. Its time to unite!

" Whatever you are physically... male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy- those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contain the lamp, but you are the light inside." ~ Cassandra Clare

Friday, July 1, 2016

Be Fearless

Parents and Faculty,
 I need you all to prepare yourselves for what's to come. How? My answer is simple "be fearless!" You will read the word fearless more times then you have ever read it before, especially at a time like this. I say this because I know first hand that life hits you out of no where and can barely leave you hanging on, sometimes. For some of you, you may be tired of fighting but there is freedom in the light. I speak of the light often and its truly one of my favorite topics because life is hard and you all have worked so hard to be where you are today. Some of you have battled with illness and have felt very alone, others have battled depression and you may still be battling with the chains that the darkness left you with... There is freedom; I promise there is. You will never have to feel alone again. You will all have a friend in me always. Let me tell you I'm one tough cookie. I'm resilient and so are you! I urge you to stand up and fight for all the things that you know in your heart to be right. I know that at one point you felt your world was falling apart but it wasn't; it was falling into place. If it wasn't for all of you, my fight would be limited to just my son. As long as you all continue to be open with me I will continue to fight for you. I'll leave you all with this... 

When your on your knees and answers feel so far away , you're not alone stop holding on and just be held ~ Casting Crowns

Thursday, June 30, 2016


 The more I dig the more secrets are revealed. I feel like I'm uncovering something huge! So get ready cause here I come. The more parents I talk to the more things come to light. However, my findings are disturbing. It makes me wonder how these Chicks can sleep at night. I call them "chicks" because they do not deserve to be called women. A woman is a lady, girl, or female. They are neither. A woman can handle her business with self-respect, dignity and be fair; even if she has to put her friends/ coworkers in their place. She carries herself with poise and is graceful. I am a woman! I'm a mother, a wife, a friend and an advocate ( a damn good one, too). I found out that not only does this so called "principal" has hidden or never filed reports but I also found out that she covers for her "friends" if you're not part of her minion crew, you are not protected and they can make your life a living hell! But like I always say what goes up must come down. This time you have over stepped and your minions chose the wrong child, the wrong children! I feel a sense of connection to these children and if you ever took the time out to know the parents of the children you have in your school, you would know how passionate I am when it comes to children.

 I have spoken to parents that have had their child's food taken away as punishment and have been treated poorly because their parent(s) made complaints. Faculty that have lied to parents about things that have taken place on trips and faculty that have teamed up on other faculty because they were not on the principals band wagon. Oh the stories I have uncovered... its time for parents and faculty to stand up and report this ill-mannered treatment and take a stand for yourself and your children. Never be afraid of the dark... What's dark always comes to light and if not I don't mind dragging the dark into the light. I'm not afraid of the dark, never was and never will be.

Public Service Announcement

All questions and comments are welcomed.

*Be clear and direct, please.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Waiting Game

 Today, I finally had a full day that felt closer to our normal routine. I sent a few emails and made a few more calls, but I finally had time to complete other things. We did laundry and played games; my son had a good day. He wasn't worried about being afraid nor being bullied by adults. He had a few great laughs and a tickle party. He makes me happy, all my children do.  Then, I began to think of the other stories I have heard from other parents. Their children have been through similar situations and nothing was done to help the children or parents. I wish I could give them the comfort they deserve and the fearlessness to press on into the unknown. Not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow is difficult, especially having a child with autism. Some children can not explain themselves and can be manipulated while others can defend themselves, but to those parents with children that have autism; Please Don't Give Up! You're doing just fine. Remember your child is just a child that needs love, compassion, security, and patience. You are your child's safe place and you alone is enough; enough to make all bad things go away, enough to make a frown turn into a smile. Enough to protect them, so protect your child and be fearless. You can be a tender loving parent as well as a warrior for you child. I am both! I will never stop fighting for my children. So please parents never be afraid to push forward and be a warrior for your child(ren). As for my son and I, we will wait. Wait for his next meeting and wait for the outcome. I have all the faith that all parties involved will be held accountable and justice will be served, not just for Julius, but for all the other children and parents that has had to deal with certain actions that were unfair in many ways. If not, I will continue to press on until justice is served.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Meeting...

  Today I had "The Meeting"... I must say that at the beginning of the meeting I was just another mother with a problem. I walked in the office and I was sure that they had the wrong impression of the kind of mother/person I am. However, I proceeded...sat right down and so it began. The meeting was about an hour long and I did most of the talking, my awesome husband did the listening. I talked until my mouth was dry and kept on talking to prove my point because my baby is still suffering from fear, hurt and anger. He's fearful because he felt alone and as a child the world outside of mommy and daddy's safety is scary enough but add on the fear of school staff that know very little about you plus verbal abuse, that's enough to make a child shut down. He's very hurt because the people that are employed to assure his safety and well-being have robbed him from it. He's angry because of what he learn from watching one staff member attack the other. That's not how you run a school, the last time I checked business should never be mixed with pleasure. Save friendships for the weekend because during school hours the principal should be the boss and nothing more.

Till the next meeting... 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Rodents in the building!!!

   What a day I had today... This morning I walked into my sons school and the first thing I seen was a rodent. How disgusting!!! It was in front of the principals door... The irony there was a report stating that the school was dirty and had mouse droppings everywhere. The principal confirmed it during the kindergarten meeting. However it's really unfortunate the Principal's open door policy is prejudice and limited to certain parents. I also met another person from the superintendents under unfortunate circumstances  because I was excorted out the building. I had to signed my son out at exactly noon. I still don't understand why I had to leave. I took my son to school, because neither Julius or I feel he is safe around Ms. L, Ms. V and Ms. T.( you know who you are) I did not see the principal but I know she felt my presents.  I've never dealt with a principal that is so prejudice and bias to parents and staff. Nevertheless my voice will be heard. At the beginning of this situation. I was told it would take a week to resolve that was on June 10th. As a parent I have a right to express my concerns and my concerns should be address without prejudice, instead I got acs sent to my home, staff and a principal that pretended to be oblivious as to why my son was not in school. Since this began I have been in communication with parents that have had many issues with the same three women. It is time that something gets done. My voice is not to be listened to, but heard! I have nothing but time and energy. This is a very serious matter and it will be addressed with the time and patience it deserves. The principal and staff need to seriously be investigated and I will make sure that happens...  

Sunday, June 26, 2016

I'm his voice...

If your are following my blog, you will soon realize two things about this blog and myself.

 #1. I'm new at this but I won't give up. I can't just fade away and turn a blind eye to the abuse and mistreatment of our children with autism. No child deserves to be treated poorly and children with autism have this unique innocences. The woman that I've mentioned in my pervious blog have taken that away from my son. He's since been angry, regressed and cries a lot! He feels that school is a bad place. Where some adults are bullies. How can I reassure him that not all schools or people behave like they have? How can I make him feel safe in an environment where people are suppose to show him support and compassion but have robbed him and have been rude, vulgar, insensitive and disrespectful. These woman have teamed up against anyone that has not done as they instructed. They have falsely accused staff members, parents and even children. How can a principal tell a parent " Pick up your animal"? You read that correctly. There will be more stories like mine because I will not stand by and not do nothing. I will be the voice for my child and the other children who have parents that are to afraid to speak up or simply can't out of fear of the unknown. I will be the voice for the children that have yet to enter that school and for the parents that are completely unaware of the things that have been going on for years in that school. No one should ever be allowed to get away with this and I have a feeling that this goes higher up pass the principal because these woman are so manipulative, arrogant and cocky.

I always say "what's dark will come to the light."  Oh I did say two things, right?   # 2. I mean business!!! Detective Mama Bear is on the case. 

To be continued... stay tuned.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Disgusted with P.S. 25

When did it become okay to call ACS on good parents for being concerned about their child's mental wellbeing?

   Let me start off by telling you about myself. I'm a mother of three and my youngest was diagnosed with autism. I resigned from my job which i loved because he needed 24 hours of therapy a week; so my mama bear instinct kicked in. I had to do whatever was necessary to ensure that my child had the proper help to strive as an adult; I'm not gonna live forever. Any way fast forward my son went from a non-verbal child to an extremly talkative five year old.  He's very aware of details and emotionally connected to other peoples feelings.

   On the morning of  June 7th, he was being verbally abused by his school counselor on the school bus. I was never informed until the morning of June 10th by someone that was on the bus. His counselor told him, "If you do not want to get off the bus; you could ROT ON THE BUS!" My first reaction was she should tell me that so I could punch her in the mouth. However I knew that wouldn't help my son ;so I reported her to the principal that did NOTHING! On the morning of June 10th, I was in his school for a different situation that occurred the morning of June 8th. This situation had to do with his teacher being bullied ,harassed and verbally assaulted by the schools IEP personnel (M.L.).
She (IEP personnel) began to attack her (kindergarten teacher) while she had all her students and was holding my son's hand. The IEP personnel called her all kinds of vulgar and derogative names. As a result my five year old came home and began calling his brother a "f***ing cunt" and began saying a bunch of other inappropriate words. I was in shock! Was I hearing things? Did my five year old just call his ten year old brother a "f***ing cunt"? As any mother would I questioned him. I asked him "Where did he hear those words? and Who made it okay for him to repeat them?" His reply was even more shocking.... He simply said "Ms.L ( IEP personnel)" I was beyond upset. Then he spilled the beans and told me what took place that morning and finished is statement with "Ms.V (Counselor) and Ms.L (IEP personnel) are mean bullies!" I reported everything to the superintendent's office because the principal was avoiding me despite her open door policy in school. I waited that Friday morning till 10:45am to see her and I got there at 8:30am, I was told she was in a meeting but she was actually avoiding me. So I waited and waited until she had no choice but to see me. I knew she had to come out her office at some point. During my what felt like a 5 minute meeting I explained to Ms.T (the principal) how my son felt and that the environment was not safe for children with autism. She was more focused on the the fact that he was absent and I explained to her that my son would not be in school until this matter was resolved. We scheduled a meeting for the 15th of June and she changed it without my knowledge and rescheduled it for the 22nd of June. I called and showed up but she refused to see me. She told one of her school aids to tell me that she was in a meeting in her office and that I shouldn't wait for her because she would be having another meeting following that one. As I was on my way out the door to my surprise who did I see standing around doing nothing? Ms.T in her bright red blazer, caked up makeup and all. She turned away as if that would make her invisible to me. I was beyond upset at this point so I called the superintendent's office again, made a new complaint and spoke to the advocate that was already handling this issue. Fast fowarding...

   On Thursday, June 23rd an ill-mannered attendance personnel came to my apartment door handed me a paper and as she walked away; she said two things to me. First was " If you don't like the way Ms. Toledo is running the school you can put your kid somewhere else." Second was "You know Acs is coming for you." As she chuckled and walked out the building. Like the purple hair attendance personnel stated ACS was at my door the very next day.  I knew that was the principals way of trying to shut me up for being the voice that my son needs. But seriously... This is far from over! I've written emails to just about everyone and I've called just about anyone that i could to make complaints and reports. How can she be running a school and be so irresponsible and unfair? She abuses her authority.  I've spoken to some of her ex coworkers and other parents that removed their child(ren) from the Horizon program because she threatened them with acs too but not I. I have nothing to hide!  However it clear to me that she does and I'm not backing down! Not only for my child but for all the other children with autism that are already there and the ones to come. They need a voice and i don't mind being that voice. Parents have a right to ensure that their children are safe especially in school and these children are not. P.S. 25 is not the place that i hoped it would be. However, the Horizon program is amazing, the kindergarten teacher (Mrs. Pagan)  truly care for their students. I've seen first hand how much they do for their students. The program isn't to blame for the three individuals that strong-arm the workers and concerned parents. They simply need to be REPLACED with QUALIFIED caring individuals that know how to treat children with autism.

Just because someone has autism that doesn't make them less of a person and these three women seem to think differently.